We work to share the hope we have in Jesus with those in our community, our state, country, as well as others around the world. We do so by volunteering our time: serving at our food shelf, providing baked goods so that we can raise money for an organization through a bake sale, and traveling to
different states or countries for a mission trip.
Our congregation has a sponsor congregation in Tanzania – Mgama Parish. Since we began our partnership with them in 2005, we have supported the parish with monetary gifts which have assisted them to improve their buildings, plant better seeds, use fertilizers, develop sources for fresh water, plant tree seedlings, obtain a motorbike for the pastor's use, purchase bicycles for students. Members of St. Paul Lutheran have traveled to Mgama in 2008 and 2016.
We also have an annual member donation campaign that helps sponsor students to continue their education with a scholarship. The government does not provide free education after what compares to our 6th grade. A scholarship is partial support with the student providing additional funds, which over a dozen students have used. One of our sponsored students went on to university and became a doctor. To God be the glory for blessings our congregation members have shared with Mgama.
Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota
Building and repairing homes
Operation Christmas Child
Filling shoeboxes with items for children all over the world at Christmas time.
Special campaigns for major events such as the tornadoes in Kentucky, the crisis in Ukraine.
Robin's Nest Children's Home, Jamaica